煎三文鱼配大蒜蘑菇和扁豆沙拉 Grilled Salmon w/ Garlic Mushroom & Lentil Salad的烹饪做法,大厨教你详细做法

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煎三文鱼配大蒜蘑菇和扁豆沙拉 Grilled Salmon w/ Garlic Mushroom & Lentil Salad的做法步骤图


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扁豆罐头 200克
香叶 1片
新鲜百里香 2支
蔬菜高汤/水 800毫升
橄榄油 30毫升
蘑菇 400克
蒜瓣 2瓣切末
三文鱼排 4块
芝麻菜 100克
盐和胡椒 适量
蒜瓣 1瓣
白葡萄 30毫升
整粒黄芥末 5毫升
蜂蜜 5毫升
橄榄油 5毫升
清水 5毫升

煎三文鱼配大蒜蘑菇和扁豆沙拉 Grilled Salmon w/ Garlic Mushroom & Lentil Salad的做法  

  1. 将扁豆和香叶,百里香以及高汤(水)一并加入锅中,中火加热至沸腾后转小火煮15至20分钟至豆子变软。Put the lentils into a sauce pan together with the bay leaf, thyme and stock (water). Bring to the boil over a medium heat then turn down the heat. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes until tender.

  2. 煮豆子过程中将橄榄油在炒锅中烧热,加入蘑菇和少许盐炒6至8分钟至蘑菇变软。加入蒜末继续炒2分钟关火。In the meantime, heat the olive oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Once hot, add the mushrooms and a pinch of salt. Cook for 6 to 8 minutes until the mushrooms are soft. Add the chopped garlic and cook for another 2 minutes.

  3. 去除煮好的扁豆中的香料并沥干水分,将蘑菇和扁豆混合。Discard the herbs and drain the lentils once tender, then mix the mushrooms with the lentils.

  4. 将所有酱汁配料放在密封容器中摇匀备用。Put all the dressing ingredients into a clean jam jar with a pinch of salt and pepper. Close the lid and shake until the dressing comes together.

  5. 平底锅大火烧热后加入橄榄油,烧制油锅轻微冒烟后将三文鱼带皮一侧朝下放入锅中,转中火煎至外皮酥脆后翻面,翻面前加入盐和胡椒调味。可将三文鱼排各面都煎至焦黄,熟透后出锅。Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over a high heat until slightly smoking. Put the salmon fillets in with the skin side down and turn down the heat to medium. Fry until the skin is crispy before turning over. Season with salt and pepper. Put aside once fully cooked.

  6. 将扁豆和蘑菇沙拉装盘,均匀撒上一半的酱汁后铺上芝麻菜。然后将煎好的三文鱼排装盘并淋上剩余的酱汁。Pour half the dressing over the warm lentils and toss gently. Fold in the rocket, place the salmon on top and pour over the remaining dressing.

    煎三文鱼配大蒜蘑菇和扁豆沙拉 Grilled Salmon w/ Garlic Mushroom & Lentil Salad的做法步骤图 第2张