Roasted duck w/ celeriac puree and blackberry sauce的烹饪做法,大厨教你详细做法

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Roasted duck w/ celeriac puree and blackberry sauce的做法步骤图


duke fat

Roasted duck w/ celeriac puree and blackberry sauce的做法  

  1. Cook the duck in duck fat leg side down for 7 mins.
    When it gets to crisp,Turn t the other side for 7 mins.
    Then 1 min for breast.

  2. into the ovven:180c 10 mins for medium rare, 30 min for medium

  3. Peel celeriac, and chop into cubes.
    Poach the celeriac with milk and small pinch of er gently for almost 20 mins.

  4. Let it simmer away for 5 mins.
    Puree in a liquidizer.

  5. Beurre Noisette:
    Add a squezze of lemon juice and 50g butter in a pan till slightly halzel look. Add into celeriac puree.

  6. Back Berry Sauce:
    A clove of cloves, 2 juniper berry, chop and put intoblckberry, a tiny bit of bay leaf and a sprinkle of thyme.A dash of sugar.

  7. Fry sliced shallot and filed mushroom in butter, Blend them a little bit for 1 min. Add 100ml of ruby port, 100ml red wine. and 6.
    A little bit of salt, simmer gently for 10 mins. Puree and press through  seive.

  8. G  te duck out, and pops up the duck to rest for 10 mins.
